Spent last Saturday at the Roy Caywood Sr. Conference. Sounds boring huh? That’s how I usually look at these things, as I would much rather be with the three little munchkins, better known known as our grand-kids, Madison, Samuel and Mayson.
However, it was a very worthwhile day. I helped with the conference sign in, then attended some of the conference training sessions. Very informative and helpful.
My favorite was a session on Membership Growth led by PDG Joie Mills, then commented on by 2nd VP Sid Scruggs. What a powerful speaker and motivator Sid Scruggs is. He motivated me to do a session for our club on exactly what is Lionism.
We oldies (you know who I’m talking about) take for granted what Lionism is all about, however we have a whole new slate of members that listen to our old ways, and they may have some refreshing new ideas on how we do the old things, for example “blogging”.
If you think Lionism isn’t important you should have been there to hear Misty Zinner’s testimony. Very powerful!
Whoever thought OLDIE Perry Lyons would be blogging. Complaing or griping maybe, but blogging? Now way.
Looking forward to our next meeting.