Thank you for inviting me to the Middletown Lions Club Meeting.
1. International President Dr. Yamada’s Theme “Dignity, Harmony, Humanity”
a. Every year, thousands of small cranes cross over the Himalayas at an altitude of 8000 meters for their seasonal migration. These demoiselle cranes are the smallest crane species, and their survival during this grueling migration depends upon the cooperation, teamwork, family structure, and harmony between every member of the flock.
b. This grueling route would be impossible for a small number of birds. By flying in a large V formation, each bird can make use of the backflow of air over the wings of the other birds in front of them and by doing so, reduce the total energy expended. The leading bird expends the greatest amount of energy so it is necessary to continually rotate new birds into the position. The demoiselle crane depends upon the cooperation and harmony of every other member of the flock. While each bird is small, every bird has great dignity.
c. Dignity through Humanitarian Service
i. One of the basic tenets of human dignity and self-respect is the ability to provide for oneself and for one’s family, yet millions of people face the future with little hope of bettering their lives and caring for their children.
ii. Making a difference through service to children will continue to be a main focus area this year by strengthening or expanding our existing programs with the Children’s Dignity Initiative. Under this initiative, Lions are encouraged to expand service to children by:
iii. • Supporting and brightening the outlook of children in hospitals
iv. • Responding to the needs of children in refugee camps
v. • Addressing the needs of hungry children
vi. • Continuing and expanding the Reading Action Program Serving others.
vii. Those are not just words to Lions. Our organization was founded on that very principle. Our tradition of service continues, and in fact has grown to meet the needs of our communities and a changing world. But we don’t just serve. We don’t simply provide food, shelter, or address the immediate need. We provide hope. We provide the promise of a brighter tomorrow. And yes, we restore dignity.
d. Harmony: Mutual Understanding Through Service
i. In this rapidly changing world, where cultures and people circulate and interact on a daily basis, those people who know how to communicate effectively across cultures, in both personal and professional contexts, will have a crucial advantage over those who do not. Cultural sensitivity requires empathy, curiosity and respect for other people’s opinions and beliefs.
ii. Global Projects For Harmony
i. It is important to understand and appreciate cultures unlike our own. There is no better way to cultivate better understanding and appreciation than through joint service projects at the district and multiple district level and internationally.
ii. More Members Equals More Service- Our members and our clubs are the heart of our organization. Lions serve with sincerity, they serve with passion, and they serve unconditionally.
iii. We have shown an increase in worldwide membership for seven years in a row. There are a number of reasons for our success; we have a dynamic Global Membership Team, effective marketing strategies coupled with easy to implement membership growth programs, dedicated leaders beginning at the club level and unprecedented outreach to women and family members, to name only a few. Together, we have built our membership to nearly 1.4 million members.
iv. “Ask One.” Begins At Home Families that serve together as Lions establish a family tradition of serving others. If Lions families are on the front lines serving their communities, the word will spread wider and faster. We will gain the recognition we deserve as the greatest service organization in the world.
e. Humanity – Bringing It All Together
i. If clubs are at the heart of our community service, then LCIF is at the heart of our worldwide service. LCIF grants create goodwill, eliminate human suffering, and restore hope and dignity for people around the world. LCIF programs and partnerships enable us to treat preventable blindness; provide free medical care and medical training for doctors and nurses; teach life skills to school children; and so much more. This year I am asking Lions to take every opportunity to support LCIF with your generous donations and Melvin Jones Fellowships. Your support underscores our ability to combine dignity and harmony while serving humanity.
2. My personal goal is for this district to “Get Back to Basics”
a. No more Monthly Cabinet Meetings
b. Use that time to visit any nearby clubs event/ fundraiser
c. Show them you care, encourage them to visit your events
d. Recruit more women, 20 across the district
e. Start 1 new club
f. Assist clubs under 15 members with Certified Guiding Lions in any area they need assistance
g. Promote Zone Meetings
h. Inform clubs they will placed on Financial Suspension if they have a balance w/ LCI beyond 90 days
i. Redistricting-?