The Middletown Kentucky Lions Club sends Lions three days a week to a homeless shelter to serve breakfast. The club provides $210 a month for coffee and other supplies. Last year we purchased an industrial coffee maker for the shelter. Coffee sure does help ease a morning off the street suffering.
The club also keeps a fund called Helping Hand Up to provide for families suffering a short-term need. The schools have our number and we have helped a family get to a clinic out of town and helped a family have a place to stay for a few weeks until housing became available. Family suffering is hard.
Our youth are suffering in many ways. Kids need our kindness. I took on for this school year, Class Granny for a 5th grade class. Once a month I met with them and we did something for someone else.
On Halloween we made cards for a nursing home, we made corner book marks for the summer reading program, tied fleece scarves to give away in the winter, tied the excess fleece for dog pulls and gave to the local dog shelter. We ended with a science project making armpit fudge to celebrate a beautiful year of service.
Suffering comes in many forms. Maya Angelou said it best, “ I’ve learned that people will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel” Lions of the world take on suffering and make people feel loved.