When I said yes to my daughter, Carrie Hellmann to help with her 4th and 5th grade club I, Lion Kay Mills, didn’t know how much fun I would have. I have been a Lion for let’s say as long as females could be a Lion and as a PDG wife, past president, region chair, etc. have known how to run a club. But this was too cool.
We are running the Lions Green Team just like a club, opening the meeting once a week. The kids have decided to take on several projects. The 4th grade is collecting used eye glasses and their box is getting full. The 5th grade is collecting used shoes for Edge Outreach that provides clean water to developing countries.
When the Lions Green Team 4thand 5th grade classes of Klondike Elementary School, Louisville, Kentucky saw the Lions International video and Lion President Tam asking Lions to plant one million trees they were so excited. So we made plans to do this as part of our green team. And the 4th grade received a donated tree from a nursery while the 5th grade was given a tree by the Middletown Lions Club.
Lions International was so helpful to us in this project through the internet (kids love the internet) with suggested topics, brochures with an entire kit of supplies. We used “Why Trees”, Planning Guide, Call to Action Guide, and resources such as the “I Planted a Tree” button, certificates and love the map on line to keep up with number of trees planted. And we watched LQ (Lions Quarterly) about things we were interested in such as eye glass collection and planting a tree. We are happy to add 2 more trees.