MLC voted to donate $200 per month to Lions Camp Crescendo (LCC) towards Principle Debt Reduction for Lion Year 2015-16.
LCC Mission Statement • To serve our communities through the enhancement of the quality of life for youth, especially those with special needs, by the delivery of a memorable camp experience by caring individuals, and to enable others to use our camp and retreat facilities to serve the larger communities’ humanitarian needs.
Camp Crescendo Goals • To continue to support music education by providing a location for bands to hold their summer camp. • To ensure that special-needs children in Kentucky have an opportunity to participate in the enriching experience and lifetime camping memory of attending camp, regardless of the ability to pay. • To expand our services to include other special population groups who are under-served within the state of Kentucky, including seniors. • To continue to offer affordable facilities to other nonprofit groups (i.e. churches, schools, youth groups and other organizations). • To develop programs for younger children to spark their interest in desirable activities. • To optimize utilization of Crescendo facilities in the most efficient manner to minimize operational costs so that the facility debt can be reduced at the fastest pace possible.
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